eSIM 패키지의 데이터 양과 유효 기간은 어떻게 되나요?

Airalo는 전 세계 200곳 이상의 국가 및 지역에 eSIM 패키지를 제공하며, 각 패키지에는 특정 기간 동안 사용할 수 있는 데이터 양이 포함되어 있습니다. 일부 패키지에는 Discover+ 글로벌 eSIM처럼 통화 및 문자 메시지가 포함되어 있습니다.

패키지를 사용할 수 있는 기간을 유효 기간이라고 합니다. 다음과 같은 자주 묻는 질문에 대한 답변을 통해 데이터 사용량 및 유효 기간에 대해 자세히 알아볼 수 있습니다.

When does my validity period start?

The validity period of your eSIM package starts when one of the following happens:

  • 해당 커버리지 영역에서 지원되는 네트워크에 연결하는 경우
  • eSIM을 설치하는 경우

For most of Airalo’s eSIM packages, the validity period begins when the eSIM connects to a supported network. Please make sure to check the Activation Policy of your package — this will help you plan when to install your eSIM.

You can check the Activation Policy by doing the following:

  1. 관련 eSIM을 보려면 내 eSIM > 세부 정보로 이동합니다.
  2. Tap or click SHOW MORE.
  3. Find "ACTIVATION POLICY" — the relevant information will be listed.

How is an eSIM’s data distributed across the validity period?

The data included with your eSIM is for the entire validity period, it is not distributed equally per day.

For example, if you’ve purchased a 1 GB - 7 day eSIM package, you have 1 GB of data to use for the entire 7 day period, not 1 GB of data per day.

Can I use all my data on the first day of validity?

Yes, you can use all your package’s data on the first day, or any day, of your validity period. You can purchase a top-up package for your eSIM if you are concerned about using all of your data before your validity period ends.

If you are using an eSIM package with unlimited data, you will not run out of data during your validity period. You may, however, experience slower connection speeds on days you use more than a specified amount of data. This amount will be specified in the Additional Information for the relevant eSIM.

How can I manage my data usage to avoid running out prematurely?

For most eSIM packages, you can go to My eSIMs in the Airalo app or Airalo’s widgets (iOS only) to track your data usage. You will also receive low data notifications when your eSIM reaches 25% and 10% data remaining.

To avoid using too much data, you may want to consider avoiding activities or apps that consume high amounts of data.

What happens if I run out of data before the end of the validity period?

If you run out of data before the end of the validity period, you can purchase a top-up package. To do so, go to My eSIMs > TOP UP for the relevant eSIM.

Can I extend the validity period of my data package?

No, it is not possible to extend the validity period of your data package.

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